High quality products for vegetarians and vegans

12 марта 2021

The pandemic has affected many aspects of human life, including the consumption of meat products. People began to treat their health and the environment more carefully and seriously. On this occasion, an international company ISO decided to develop a standard that will define the quality of vegan and vegetarian products, as well as give consumers confidence in what they buy.

For humans, giving up meat is obviosly full of benefits. Vegetarians and vegans show their friendliness towards animals and try to preserve the environment, and plant-based diet has less negative impact. Therefore, the number of tradable goods and serveces has grown significantly in recent years. We more often see an appearing of a large assortment of vegan products on teh store shelves and the opening of new brands of this kind of goods. Enterprises are trying to increase the production of meat and milk substitutes, as well as cheese, ice cream, etc.

In some countries, there are acts and laws aimed at full consumer information, but there were no international standards that would regulate the quality of goods for vegetarians. Therefore, standardizers have developed a normative document ISO 23662 "Definitions and technical criteria for foods and food ingredients suitable for vegetarians or vegans and for labeling and claims". The documents include the requirements addressed to enterprises for the production and sale of food products.

During the normative developing the leader of the expert group noted that compliance with ISO 23662 will ensure the integrity and consistency of the exchange of food information. Consumers, especially those who maintain certain diets, will be able to satisfy the need for the high quality of the products they choose.

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