European Conference on cybersecurity standardization

17 февраля 2021

The annual conference on standardization, organized by large European companies - CEN, CENELEC, ETSI in cooperation with the EU Cybersecurity Agency ENISA, was held in early February. This year the meeting was conducted online. More than 2 thousand people from all over the world took part in the event.

The main theme of the conference was the radio equipment standardization, the certification with the provision of the Cybersecurity Law. The meeting became a great platform to make a contact between politics, representatives from industry, research organizations, and for companies involved in standardization and certification.  The meeting participants decided on the most effective implementation way of the Law. 

The conference was split into four sectors. The requirements for cybersecurity and the radio equipment standardization were considered firstly. European commission has prepared the query on standardization to CEN, CENELEC and ETSI. Then, standardization in support of the Cybersecurity Law was discussed. The current state of the standards was presented under this topic. Then, the main developments in the field of online consumer IoT were clearly showed. Special attention was paid to the standards industry, to their relevance for household appliances, transport and the “smart house” system. At the end, the assembly members considered the progress achieved in 5G standardization. 

The questions addressed during the event show the actuality and importance of cybersecurity standardization in the modern world. The next meeting is expected to be held in the beginning of 2022. 

It must be admitted, that the annual scientific and educational conference for standardizers will be held from September 14 to 15. It will be interesting for companies developing different standards and reaching out to foreign audiences.Participation is available to anyone. Details can be found on the official page of the event.

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